MTM Awards are a unique black-tie evening that celebrates the excellence & achievements of Asian, Black & Ethnic businesses and communities that strive excel and make a difference in respected fields.
Since inception in 2012, MTM Awards have honoured Businesses, Community & Charity Organisations, Community Champions, and Unsung Heroes. We have recognised talent in Art, Music, and Media, Culture & Fashion and inspired Young Achievers & Sporting Heroes showcasing outstanding excellence and potential.
These are the people dedicated to enhancing equality and inclusion irrespective of faith, race or gender.
The MTM Awards were first created to Honour The Best from the Indian Subcontinent in 2012 and in 2014 opened doors for all Asian, Black & Ethnic communities. The response has been phenomenal with record-breaking nominations for MTM 2017.
Special Recognitions are awarded to businesses and communities other than the Asian, Black & Ethnic that work closely with these communities.
MTM is the only awards in the United Kingdom that include all Asian, Black & Ethnic communities. The awards provide nominees, guests and the business elite with the opportunity to engage with thriving local and national business, cultures and faiths spanning international waters, as well as those on our doorstep.
We have opened up opportunities and are known for giving a platform to communities. MTM celebrates ethnicity & diversity.
Isn’t It About Time To Celebrate Diversity – Deprived Communities Need Motivation & Inspiration – You Can Make It Happen.