MTM Nominations Update

MTM Nominations Update

#Nominations2020 We are glad that we have received an overwhelming response since nominations opened on June 1st. Just a quick reminder, MTM Awards nominations are open to all in the region(South West), national(the UK) and international – that is entries from...
MTM Awards  Nominations Now OPEN!

MTM Awards Nominations Now OPEN!

GOTTBEINITTOWINIT! When you decide you’re going to win, winning is not about luck… it’s about making that decision. WE ARE OPEN! …AND AS ALWAYS OUR NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN TO ALL AND ARE FREE.  We are happy that we receive a record number of nominations across the region...
The Queens Message

The Queens Message

The Queen today urged Britain to come together amid the coronavirus crisis and assured the country that the Royal Family is ready to ‘play its part’ in beating the deadly infection. The 93-year-old monarch was seen leaving Buckingham Palace with her...
Happy New Year from all at the MTM Awards!

Happy New Year from all at the MTM Awards!

We Wish YOU A Happy New Year & Thank You For An Over Whelming Glittering Gala Award Evening! We’re on a mission to change perceptions and  give exposure opportunities to diversity. Please Donate To Our MTM Awards Chosen Charity for 2019 Whose mission...
Press Release MTM Awards 2019

Press Release MTM Awards 2019

PRESS RELEASE MTM Awards 2019 Our Theme This Year Has Been, “Bringing The World To Our doorstep”   The MTM Awards are the biggest award scheme in the South West celebrating the excellence & achievements if the Asian, Black & Ethnic Minorities in the region is...