MTM Awards Season 11



Celebrating the essence of business and culture  across our rich and diverse ethnic minority communities since 2012!


Celebrating our eleventh year and building on the success of MTM Awards since 2012,  we are delighted that we were  able to continue  our stand-out Season 11 on  Saturday November 25th 2023 at the Delta Hotels by Marriott  Bristol City Centre.  

MTM Awards are presented every year as a celebration of all that’s great about diverse communities and shines a light on the most innovative and dynamic businesses, community organisations, and individuals.

MTM Awards are a uniquely cultural environment and provides our partners with the opportunity to engage with thriving businesses, communities, and cultures. We are the only ethnic focussed awards ceremony of the type in the United Kingdom, welcoming a multitude of diverse guests from the South West, across the country, spanning international waters and those on our doorsteps.

With 193 deserving award winners, 91 Special Recognition honors, 5450 warm welcomes, 8350 esteemed nominees, and over 227,500 votes cast since our inaugural awards in 2012, we have witnessed a remarkable surge in participation and interest from diverse communities vying for this prestigious honour.

MTM Awards….one of a kind…



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There is no greater feeling other than winning an award in a room filled with diverse communities, friends and family and collecting your award from one of the celebrity guests.

Go To  TICKETS & Buy Now – OR Text Tickets To +447852100879

“When you decide you’re going to win..

winning is not about luck…

it’s about making that decision.”

With 193 deserving award winners, 91 Special Recognition honors, 5450 warm welcomes, 8350 esteemed nominees, and over 227,500 votes cast since our inaugural awards in 2012, we have witnessed a remarkable surge in participation and interest from diverse communities vying for this prestigious honour.




In ten years we’ve seen an amazing 193 awards winners, 91 Special Recognition honours, 5450 welcomes, 8350 nominees, and over 227,500 votes cast since the inaugural awards we’ve seen a remarkable increase in participation, an immense interest from diverse communities vying for this prestigious award since 2012.

  • Winners join the Roll of Honour of elite businesses, organisations, and persons
  • You are recognised as the best.
  • You add value and credibility to your business or organisations.
  • Winning individual awards express pride in your achievements
  • Award winners motivate colleagues and staff
  • Award winners inspire trust in business. Inspire trust from your clients, in your business
  • Award winners generate business
  • Award winners create news & excitement in the media, including social media.
  • Award winners enjoy a lifetime experience of collecting an award.

There is no greater feeling other than winning an award in a room filled with unique diverse communities and collecting your award from one of the celebrity guests.

There is no greater feeling other than winning an award in a room filled with unique diverse communities and collecting your award from one of the celebrity guests.

Winners Benefits..


Winning awards can make a huge difference on both a personal and professional level.

When a job is done successfully, people seek recognition in some form or fashion. Getting a compliment or promotion, winning awards, or receiving a form of validation can act as a great motivator. Even in cases when people don’t win awards, competing can still be worthwhile. It can help people further their professional development, making them more determined and hard-working.


Awards can raise the credibility of your company or organisation its brand and products. And also increases visibility for your group. Awards raise the profile of a person in the community as it also opens great opportunities for people

Brand recognition and free PR – Being shortlisted as an award contender gives your organization free publicity from the awards organizer as well as the other nominees and possibly even the judges. And if you win, the publicity is even more far-reaching and impactful.

Instant credibility – Winning an award opens numerous doors and gives you instant credibility with potential customers.

Endorsements – Third-party endorsements are critical, and an award shows that an outside organization with no skin in the game thought something you have done warrants recognition. The rewards can be further amplified if you shout the results to the rafters and include any “badges” showing the win on your website, in signature files and on social media.

Increased morale – Winning an award provides intrinsic motivation and improved morale for those on the team. The nomination alone, which recognizes hard work and a job well done, is a celebration of the hours the team put into the project and can significantly and positively impact employee satisfaction and talent retention.

Talent attraction – When potential employees see your company recognized and your teams being celebrated, it can go a long way toward creating a new talent pipeline.

Networking -Throughout the entry of an award through to the awards evening, you will have a brilliant chance to network with other companies both big and small. This can increase your business name, increase contacts and even gain sales.

…and the winner is…

Imagine sitting in a room with businesses, community organisations and the biggest gathering of diverse communities. You look around the room and you can see all eagerly awaiting the awards announcements. You’ve spent time and effort preparing your written speech presentation and it is about time you’re going to find out if it’s all been worth it.

You watch as the host presenter comes up on stage and announces the next category. It’s yours. You hear those three little words “the winner is…” and glance around at your colleagues who are all biting their lips in anticipation and suddenly you hear your name announced, Lo and behold, you’ve won!

Heading up onto stage you get the same feeling you did when you were younger – that sense of achievement and pride makes you feel like you can take on anything. You are recognised as the best amongst the rest.

There is no greater feeling other than winning an award in a room filled with unique diverse communities and collecting your award from one of the celebrity guests.

MTM Glittering Gala Awards Evening is a Black Tie ticketed event.

Please visit the MTM Winners Gallery.

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MTM Awards:

Telephone: +44780 780 2325


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